PRINCE2 Foundation

Officially accredited eLearning Course

This PRINCE2® 2017 Foundation online course makes your learning easy and enjoyable. You will have a solid understanding of PRINCE2 and you will be ready to sit the official PRINCE2 Foundation exam. This course comes with a Pass Guarantee (more information below).

The first third of the course is free, so you can get an idea of the quality of the course and you can start right now without having to register.


The course is equivalent to 3 days class training. The course is designed in a way that is easy to follow for a busy professional and it includes:

PRINCE2 Foundation course specifications

Registration and costs

Official Exam, Certificate and Pass Guarantee

You can take the official exam online, anywhere in the world from home or work, and get certified. Please send us an email if you are interested in the exam voucher (390.00 Euro, incl. VAT) and the Pass Guarantee (we offer a free exam retake).

Do you have questions regarding our Online Trainings or the content? Contact us! We are happy to help you: via email at or via telephone +49 (0)30 3180 1330.