It’s only possible to live according to European values and actively participate in the European community if one is aware of the opportunities available. upgrade2europe aims to enable organisations to professionalise, learn and explore these possibilities, and work on their “institutional readiness” to embark on a transnational journey across Europe.
The goal of 'upgrade2europe' is to support organisations, especially educational institutions, small and medium-sized organisations (SMOs) such as associations or foundations, as well as SMEs, particularly in the service sector, in facing the challenges of transnational work in Europe. For this purpose, an integrated digital learning tool has been developed, consisting of six complementary and freely accessible online products. With this learning tool, users can gradually acquire the necessary knowledge for the Europeanisation of their businesses or organisations through step-by-step professional development and apply it directly in their everyday work (Work-Based Learning approach). Educational providers can utilize the materials and a sample curriculum for training programs targeting this audience.
'upgrade2europe' was able to build upon the successes of the EU project 'Europeanisation' (2014-2016; Project Number: 2014-1-DE02-KA200-001539). The predecessor project was recognized by the European Commission as a 'Success Story' and by the National Agency NA-BiBB as a 'Good Practice Example.'
The six upgrade2europe products provide practical support for organisations on their journey to Europe. They are freely accessible at (Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA 4.0) and are available in eight languages (Bulgarian, German, English, Estonian, Greek, Italian, Croatian, and Hungarian), with the exception of the Process Model.
++ 7. upgrade2europe officially concluded – Make use of the project results! +++
In the fall of 2023, the upgrade2europe project team officially concluded the three-year Erasmus+ project. The six project products are now available for you free of charge here.
If you would like to exchange ideas on the topic of 'Europeanisation,' we warmly invite you to join our LinkedIn group, Europeanisation. This group is still actively managed by the entire European project team. We encourage you to share your experiences and engage in discussions with us.
+++ 6th presentation of the project results on July 19, 2023 in Berlin +++
Under the motto "Is your Organisation ready for Europe?" upgrade2europe is hosting an event on July 19 from 10:00 to 13:00 to talk about the opportunities and challenges of European work and internationalisation in a relaxed setting with the entire project team.
Registration for the free event:
+++ 5th project meeting in January 2023 +++
New year, new meeting! The first meeting in 2023 took us to Bella Italia, to the tranquil Palermo, on January 10 & 11. We were welcomed by our colleagues from PRISM, who showed us the most beautiful and hidden corners of Palermo.
Between the last meeting and this one we had the test phase of the upgrade2europe products, which we successfully completed and discussed the results in Palermo. Furthermore, we agreed on the next revision steps and made basic decisions for the upcoming translation of the project results. A special focus was of course again on the sustainable dissemination of the upgrade2europe products, especially with regard to the respective local conditions.
+++ 4th project meeting in May 2022 +++
This time we traveled together with all partners to Tallinn on May 12 & 13, 2022, where we were warmly welcomed by the team from TalTech University Tallinn. Together we were able to get to know the Estonian capital in a very personal way.
The meeting as such was mainly about the development status of our upgrade2europe products, their future dissemination and the sustainability of the results. In addition, we prepared the test phase starting this summer in intensive workshops and, of course, still exchanged views on long-running topics such as project and financial management & quality assurance.
+++ upgrade2europe-Training and Project Meeting in Cyprus +++
Finally a face-to-face meeting! After one year of remote work, we gathered in Cyprus in October 2021. The meeting and training both were a great success. 17 learners from six countries were able to participate in person. Our project thus officially entered the testing stage for our six upgrade2europe products. We received great amounts of positive feedback by the participants and would like to thank everyone for their valuable input during the training days.
Directly following the training, we held a partner meeting of the upgrade2europe consortium on October 22nd 2021. Here, we mainly focused on the results of the preceding training, as well as planned for the upcoming months and a risks-and-opportunities session. Especially the pandemic showed us that it’s more important now than ever before to keep an eye on potential risks to the project.
+++ 2nd Project Meeting, June 2021 +++
Due to the pandemic, the second project meeting had to be organised online as well. On June 10th and 11th we concerned ourselves mainly with quality control, planning our project activities ,and preparing the planned training-tests in October 2021.
+++ 1st Project Meeting: Kick-Off +++
Following a short series of webinars in October 2020, during which emcra introduced the project- and financial management as well as provided a first glimpse into the products to the project partners, we met on November 19th and 20th for the first official partner meeting. Due to the pandemic, this meeting was held in an online format. The aim of this first meeting was to start working on concrete plans on how to execute the six upgrade2europe products and help organisations with their Europeanisation.
Our consortium consists of six partners from six European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Hungry, and Cyprus. emcra GmbH is assuming the role of lead partner and consortium leader.
If you have further questions about our project “upgrade2europe” or general questions regarding our EU-Projects, a promising project idea or would to participate in European Projects, please contact us via email: or phone +49 (0)30 3180 1330.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
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