Continuity And Security for SMEs Active in Neutralizing Dangers and Risks affecting their Activities
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – in particular micro-enterprises – of the Business Services sector frequently face the challenge to identify business risks and threats at an early stage. Often, they lack the required knowledge that would help them build their necessary resistance to risks. This is where the EU project "CASSANDRA" comes into play.
The aim of the two-year project (2015-2017), which was funded as part of a "Strategic Partnership" of the EU programme "Erasmus+", is to improve the stability and resilience of SMEs through the use of three analytical tools.
These products are helping SMEs to develop a risk management system tailored to the needs of each company and at the same time strengthen their awareness of possible business risks and threats.
"CASSANDRA" concretely developed a Quick-Check, an Online Course and a Guide. Through their use, SMEs are able to analyze by themselves and efficiently their own business risks, and minimize or neutralize them through practical strategies.
The three products are imparting detailed knowledge in all areas of risk management, business continuity management and the development of an information security system. With the use of concrete recommendations for action, the stability of SMEs will be improved regarding their risks.
Das Handbuch Unternehmens-Resilienz unterstützt Unternehmen, entsprechend ihrer individuellen Bedürfnisse, Fähigkeiten und investierter Ressourcen aktiv mit ihren Risiken umzugehen und somit ihre Resilienz zu stärken.
Es beschreibt den CASSANDRA-Ansatz, der in sieben Schritten die Unternehmens-Resilienz steigert und dabei Risikomanagement, die Sicherstellung des Geschäftsbetriebes sowie Informationssicherheit berücksichtigt.
Handbuch Unternehmens-Resilienz
Hier finden Sie die Anhänge zum Handbuch (Arbeits-Vorlagen):
Six partners from Germany, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Cyprus participate in the project "CASSANDRA". emcra takes over the role as Lead Partner (Coordinator). More
If you have further questions about our project "CASSANDRA" or general questions regarding our EU-projects,
a promising project idea or would like to participate in European Projects please contact us via email: or phone: +49 (0)30 3180 1330.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.