Seven organisations from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Cyprus are involved in the project Digitalisation.
emcra has accepted the role as lead parter and is primarily responsible for the project management.
On this page you can find a brief profile about the other partner organisations.
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa (CCI) is a non-governmental organisation governed by public law. Founded in 1991, CCI is established in three locations across North West Bulgaria and assists more that 3,000 organisations. CCI is founded on a representative merging of organisations and institutes with the goal of promoting the interests of the local economy and thereby contributing to the socio-economic development in the district of Vratsa and the surrounding region in North West Bulgaria.
The Cyprus Project Management Society (CPMS) is a non-governmental organization from Cyprus, which promotes the implementation of project management’s international standards and techniques. Furthermore, the CPMS participates together with other international organizations in the research on project management.
The Institute of Business Consulting, Business Development and Business Research e.V. (IBWF) is, headquartered in Berlin, the largest multidisciplinary consulting network for the SMEs in Germany. The approximately 900 members are business consultants, lawyers and accountants. The main task of the institute is to provide SMEs with qualified SME-consultants.
The Craftsmanship Association of South-Tyrol (LVH) is, with approximately 8000 members, the largest craftsmanship association in the Italian province of South-Tyrol. The main task of the organization is the representation of local artisans to authorities and other associations. The sub-organization "LVH Service and Education" concentrates its action on the planning and implementation of training courses.
The Rome-based university LUISS - Libera Universita Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli is one of the leading Italian universities in the field of social sciences. It has its origins in the Catholic university ‘Pro Deo’. LUISS was converted into a lay private university in 1974 by the Umberto Agnelli corporate group. Important public and private industrial concerns and businessmen are involved in the university’s administrative council.
Tournis Consulting focuses its advisory activities on the areas of risk management, business continuity management, information security and crisis management. The company primarily advises large corporations and organizations in Greece, Cyprus, the Balkans and the Middle East.
If you have further questions about our project "Digitalisation" or general questions regarding our EU-projects,
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.