emcra regularly carries out its own European projects – here is an overview of our current activities.
Besides our Consultancy and Certified Advanced Educational Training Courses, emcra applies and participates actively in national and EU-funded projects. We either take over the role as “Leading Partner” or participate as “Partner” in EU projects. Our know-how is built upon our daily work – for this reason, we provide first-hand knowledge on EU-funding.
Our motto is „Using Europe actively“. Together with our partners from around 20 countries, we are working on a wide-range of European topics such as Organisational Development, Project Management or Start-ups. emcra uses internationally recognised project management methods such as PRINCE2 for the professional implementation of EU projects.
Werte europäisch leben, sich zivilgesellschaftlich grenzüberschreitend engagieren und aktiv am europäischen (Wirtschafts-)Leben teilnehmen kann nur, wer seine Möglichkeiten kennt und dazu befähigt wird, diese auch zu nutzen. Vielen Organisationen fehlt dafür die notwendige „institutional readiness“. Professionalisierung ist notwendig, damit Unternehmen und Organisationen ihre transnationalen Aktivitäten in Europa zukünftig noch besser umsetzen können. Hier setzt upgrade2europe an. Mehr
The INCLUDE project, which is funded within the framework of a "Strategic Partnership" in the EU programme "Erasmus+", aims to increase the competitiveness of European SMEs, SMOs and start-ups by establishing an inclusive management approach that takes into account the opportunities and risks of the digital transformation. For the individual learners, the learning and teaching materials represent an opportunity to develop or increase their own skills in a field of activity that is highly relevant to the labour market. The developed materials will be available online free of charge from autumn 2021. More
The “GRCEssentials” project will amalgamate and adapt the concepts of Governance, Risk management and Compliance (GRC) into one concept, that will be easy for SMEs, SMOs and micro-enterprises to implement in their business and work environment. More
The aim of the EU project "BEGIN - Boosting the Soft Skills of Higher Education Students and Graduates" (2019-2021) is to develop a wide-ranging mentoring programme. It is intended to support university students systematically in their career orientation. BEGIN aims to identify and reduce discrepancies between the skills in demand on the labour market and the skills taught at universities. Soft skills of students for the labour market will be particularly promoted. In addition, the project aims to initiate a long-term exchange between students, universities and employers. More
The objective of the two-year EU project (2017-2019) Digitalisation is the development of a free accessible self-learning tool for CEOs, managers and employees of European SMEs from the Business Services sector. European SMEs can use, in a step by step approach, the online self-learning tool to prepare the strategic digital orientation of their business and initiate its implementation in the ongoing operational process. More
The project "CASSANDRA - Continuity and Security for SMEs active in Neutralizing Dangers and Risks Affecting Their Activities" developed three valuable products (Quick Check, an Online-Course and Guide) that contributes to strengthen the risk awareness of small and microenterprises especially of the service sector. Moreover, the project supports SMEs to develop tailored-made solutions to manage their business risks. emcra took over the coordination of the two-year "Strategic Partnership", which was funded through the EU program "Erasmus +". It implements the project together with five other partner organisations. More
A self-assessment tool has been developed as part of the project ‘Europeanisation’. This tool enables organisations which focus on ‘vocational education’ or ‘adult education’ to test how well prepared they are for European work free of charge. It then provides individual recommendations to help them plan their next steps in a European direction. This project has been given the ‘Success Story’ and ‘Good Practice Example’ awards from the European Commission and the National Agency NA-BiBB. More
The aim of the two-year EU project (2016-2018) WBL-Pro is the elaboration of a new job profile for experts who work in the field of Work Based Learning (WBL). A qualification for European experts within the field of education should help them to expand their competences for the approach of Work-Based Learning and specifically to use them in adult education. In addition to the qualification, an online platform will be developed which will offer WBL experts the opportunity to exchange their knowledge, skills and competences. In addition, the platform will provide materials that will help WBL experts to classify, evaluate and acknowledge skills and knowledge of their learners. More
In the project “IPEC-Initiate Plan Execute and Close“, an online computer game is developed by seven partners. It enables SMEs to become familiar with internationally recognized methods of project management in a ludic way in order to use them efficiently within the company afterwards. IPEC aims to develop a new and user-friendly methodology of project management that combines usual practices, Gamification as well as innovative methods of blended learning. emcra is responsible for the evaluation and the quality assurance within the three-year “strategic partnership” in Erasmus+. More
In the scope of the Transfer of Innovation Project “ConstructEU – building-up skills for successful European Projects in the Construction Sector”, a new training scheme for EU Project Managers in the construction sector has been jointly developed by 7 European partners. The starting point was the transfer of the certified training scheme “Qualification to EU-Fundraiser” that has been developed and applied by emcra in Germany since 2005. More
The aim of “PROVE – Improving Quality Assurance of EU-Project Management in Vocational Education and Training“, was to work out quality standards for the management of EU-funded projects. The main results of the collaboration include amongst other things a binding code of conduct (“Code of Ethics”) that defines essential values which Organisations involved in EU projects should possess. More
At the core of the project is the promotion of business start-ups, the formation of new companies und especially the support of young entrepreneurs. A general transferable approach will be developed with 10 partner countries to promote entrepreneurial skills as well as a model for the successful creation of start-ups. More
The project “Blended Teamwork” addressed the topic “virtual communication in remotely located project teams”. One of the main outputs was the publication of a manual for more effective application possibilities in virtual team work. “Blended Teamwork” was featured as “best practice project” in the Netherlands and as “STAR Project” in Italy. More
Do you have questions on our EU Projects? You are invited to contact us directly per email at projects@emcra.eu or per telephone +49 (0)30 3180 1330